Return policy

  1. We recommend you to check your medicines properly at the time of Delivery.
  2. Any discrepancies for medicines delivered should be reported within 24 hrs.
  3. Return of medicines will be accepted within 60 days of its purchase.
  4. Return will be accepted of purchase done from Revoluce Healthcare LLP only.
  5. Medicines purchased from other stores will not be accepted for return
  6. A Credit note (CN) will be issued for Return/Exchange of medicines.
  7. The returned medicines will go for its quality inspection. Quality in terms of, the conditions of medicines like for its expiry date, any damages, breakage or tampering done to the product etc.
  8. After the inspection the credit amount of medicines returned will be credited to the customers account
  9. This amount shall be settled in the next purchase invoice of the customer from Revoluce Healthcare
  10. Immediate settlement for return products will not be accepted.
  11. Cold chain products like Insulin, GH injections, vaccines etc once sold will not be accepted for return.
  12. No refund of the amount in terms of money will be done to the customer.
  13. All disputes are subject to Mumbai jurisdiction only